The writing process, but how do you start?

Yes, writing is a process. Yes, we all learned the process steps in school. Yes, we are expected to teach students the steps as they follow.

Prewriting-like brainstorming
Writing- first draft, getting ideas onto the paper
Edit-checking for grammar, punctuation etc
Proofread- re-read over it and fix anything that needs it
Publish-write final draft, ready for all to see

Ok, here's the real question? How are we going to get them to write? I can know the writing process all day long and force them to follow the steps but if they have no desire to write, you will get a mediocre assignment that might net them a 2 on the TAKS (soon to be STAR).

Ok, so here's the answer, engagement. This may mean you let them write a persuasive paper convincing you why you should play the new Harry Potter Lego video game. It may mean letting them persuade you to let them have a game day. It may mean letting them inform you of all the benefits of recycling. We can run our classrooms anyway we want, however, if we don't realize the classroom isn't really ours and our goal is to make THEM successful, not us, no one will win.


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