Hmmmm, Is it procrastination when you just don't know where to start?

I am not really anywhere on my project yet, hey it's the truth! I think I have decided on my ELA TEKS, for 6th grade and they include the writing process and evaluating different forms of media and messages. I am thinking I may use History, Art and Home Ec. as the other areas. I think my main assignment for home ec. will be for students to create a restaurant, create a menu, and make different types of advertisements for their eatery including print and video (they will choose how they want to go with menus and advertisements ie. healthy, quick, cheap etc) other students will evaluate the different forms of the messages (maybe what worked, what didn't, could you use the colon or fiber and still get customers?) For history I am thinking of having them view parts of the State of The Union Address vs. President on Late night t.v. to compare and contrast formal and informal. For art they will view/create art from different decades while trying to determine what was trying to be conveyed


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