Informin' and Persuadin'

Informative writing is used to give someone factual information that does not know about a topic. It can also be used in how to manuals, recipes and most often we see it in expository texts like textbooks.

Persuasive writing is to talk someone into something, whether it be to agree with the author or their cause or to buy something.

There are many ways to teach both types of writing, however, when in the classroom you will want to find ways to engage your students and make them want to write.

If you want students to write an informative or factual text what you can do is give them choices. Tell them you want them to write a paper teaching you (the teacher) how to ____________. You can fill in the blank. The student may be good at dance, that can write an informative paper on how to do a particular dance, how to get to work, how to play a video game. Really and truly if you let them pick a topic they know a lot about, as long as they learn how to write/read an informative paper you will have accomplished your goal.

I think a great way to teach persuasive writing would be to have students write a persuasive paper to you about why they should either a. receive and "A" in your class, b. have no homework, c. should not have to do some type of an assignment. You would obviously go over different papers explaining how to "write" to some one's emotions and which area they want to play up to convince you they are correct. Your choices on persuasion are endless and in the end you could decide if you will "give" them what they wanted according to how persuasive they were.

Another way you could teach both forms, before they start the writing process, is to act out each type. For example inform them of information, then have them put it into a short paragraph. You could also have a debate or ask one student to give a convincing argument as to why the students should ________. (again you can fill in the blank) Often times if you can show students visually that what they are seeing is the same thing they are writing it brings a better connection and a deeper understanding.


  1. Those are good ideas. Students should be able to have a choice in what they write about. It makes it more intriguing and fun because they know what they are writing about.

  2. I love your idea about letting the student choose something they are good at--to teach the teacher. This is an excellent and motivational way to teach informative writing. I might even go as far as to say to students: "Teach me something that you think I should know in your informative essay."

  3. That is a great idea. I really like that because you know students are going to want to try to teach the teacher something and are going to want to persusade the teacher to give them an "A" in the class. Not only interesting but I would like to hear and see what the students come up with.

  4. I love, love, love the idea anout having students write about why they should get an A in a class. I think this is the perfect way to get students into persuasive writing. They can verbalize every plea for the cause, but to get them to put it on paper is a great idea.

  5. I thought your examples were great! Really like the one where you let the students choose something that they are good at. Not only does it allow the students do something they like, you are allowing the students feel part of the classs.

  6. I really like the idea of having the students write a paper persuading the teacher why they should not have homework. That is something that they can really relate to. I'm sure they will not have a problem coming up with many reasons. If they do a good job, then a reward could be not having homework for a few days. I think they would really enjoy this and it would give them a reason to put effort into their paper.

  7. I agree letting the students decide what topic they want to write about will help them be more engaged and motivated about the assignment.

  8. Choice is key! Like you said, let them write about what they love and they will deliver. I was thinking also, that you could incorporate a presentation of their how to paper for the class. This would be a fun way for them to learn about their peers likes and hobbies.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I think that allowing your students to write an informative paper on the subject of their choice is good. Of course the teacher should give her approval on he subject to insure that the student wont be researching things that can be inappropriate. The idea on the persuasive writing paper is good as well. Having them pick the grade they want, will eventually lead them to find reasons why they deserve the grade. Much thinking will put into this assignment if they want a good grade. Also a rubric would be a good way to assess the level of the students' writing.


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