That Unit Wasn't So Bad, Was It?

I have put the finishing touches on my unit and am ready to turn it in. As an elementary educator I am used to writing lessons cross curricula so that was not the difficult part. I have not ever had to take one TEK and try to match it to 3 other content areas (other than the writing process). I chose a TEK that involved media literacy and how it is used, conveyed, etc. I chose Home Ec (do they still have this class), Fine Arts, and Social Studies to make this unit. It was actually pretty easy and I found it fun to try and make the content meaningful to the students. For Home Ec they had to create a menu that conveyed what their recipes were going to be as well as a commercial for their eatery. They also had to come up with a name and a logo. Fine Arts was assigned the task of an ad agency who's client was difficult and wanted an ad for their eatery but only gave the agency a name and menu. Students had to create 3 ads that the eatery could choose from. Social studies was easy as well, I had them look at political cartoons, polls, websites, etc. to determine what was trying to be conveyed, how it made them feel, did it change their mind. In ELA we took the same political info. and they researched legal rights then applied it to gossip type magazines of people they were interested in for example can STAR report actor A wrecked his car if he did not.

My goal overall in this was obviously to make sure students learned the content, but more importantly I wanted them to better understand media literacy, how it can make you feel, purchase and believe things. This knowledge goes way beyond the classroom.


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