What I have to do something? Oh wait is it for a grade?

Motivation, according to wikipedia.org (yes, I know profs dislike wikipedia), is the activation or energization of goal oriented behavior. According to me;) the reason you are motivated to do something could be intrinsic (self driven) or extrinsic (you receive something for your efforts).

What motivates me? Hmmm, I can be motivated intrinsically, well no not really I don't think. I have this drive to achieve at anything I try, so everything I try, I not only do but overdo in order for it to be great. If I do things for self satisfaction is that still intrinsic? If so, then I guess any school, teaching, parenting or wife successes or goals I have are intrinsic.

My motivations change on a daily basis but I seem to do better and follow through more often with extrinsic motivation. For example, I will run my third half marathon in November. There is no way in the world I would get up on Sunday mornings for my long runs if there was not an extrinsic motivator. In this case it is because I have already paid for it. The first time I ran (er, waddled) it was about 40 lbs ago and I truly believed I couldn't do it, I needed to prove myself wrong (hmmm is that intrinsic?). Most people run because they want to be in shape, I do it because I am terrible at it and slow and want to do it better.

I guess in all I think their is sometimes a thin line between intrinsic and extrinsic but what I have learned is even when my motivation has been extrinsic I have learned or gained a great deal from the situation.


  1. I like that you pointed out the similarity in intrisic and extrinsic motivation. I guess sometimes meeting a goal that rewards with extrinsic motivation often is accompanied by the feeling of accomplishment which is intrinsic. It's like they both work as a team. =)


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