What is a good reader/writer?
I don't believe there is one clear definition or defining characteristic that makes one a good reader or writer. I truly believe reading and writing is domain specific and I may be a fantastic reader/writer in one area but not in another. If I had to define a good reader/writer, I would say it is someone who keeps at it trying to improve, this might mean you slow down, reread, look up words, do it for learning, enjoyment or information. I would say I am a good reader because I do all of the things I listed above. I also read anything I can get my hands on even if it seems weird, irrelevant or not important to me because I think we should all have a little knowledge about everything. When everyone is sitting around talking about Comic Con (I may not be into it) I want to know what they are talking about. In order to teach students to become effective readers and writers I think we have to share with them the specific domains, for example if you are a math or science major you mu...