
Showing posts from September, 2010

What is a good reader/writer?

I don't believe there is one clear definition or defining characteristic that makes one a good reader or writer. I truly believe reading and writing is domain specific and I may be a fantastic reader/writer in one area but not in another. If I had to define a good reader/writer, I would say it is someone who keeps at it trying to improve, this might mean you slow down, reread, look up words, do it for learning, enjoyment or information. I would say I am a good reader because I do all of the things I listed above. I also read anything I can get my hands on even if it seems weird, irrelevant or not important to me because I think we should all have a little knowledge about everything. When everyone is sitting around talking about Comic Con (I may not be into it) I want to know what they are talking about. In order to teach students to become effective readers and writers I think we have to share with them the specific domains, for example if you are a math or science major you mu

Games: why didn't we play games when I was in school? Oh, we were to busy memorizing and defining stuff.

There are all kinds of games that go on in schools, both figuratively and literally. They are a great way to team build, get exercise for the body and the brain and they can also emphasize strengths and weaknesses. Games will be a staple in my classroom, but I would caution anyone against letting games become a time filler. Often times in our school I will see a teacher use a game or video and call it "educational" when truly the students are bored out of their mind. While it might sound simple or easy to parents or those not in education, much thought needs to go into the planning of using a game. You must consider the purpose first, in others words what is the goal you want accomplished or what do you want students to get out of it. A game that I absolutely love and have used in the classroom is Apples to Apples. (There is also Apples to Apples Jr., I have used both) I strongly recommend this game to EVERYONE no matter the grade, subject, or specialty area. We used it as

What I have to do something? Oh wait is it for a grade?

Motivation, according to (yes, I know profs dislike wikipedia), is the activation or energization of goal oriented behavior. According to me;) the reason you are motivated to do something could be intrinsic (self driven) or extrinsic (you receive something for your efforts). What motivates me? Hmmm, I can be motivated intrinsically, well no not really I don't think. I have this drive to achieve at anything I try, so everything I try, I not only do but overdo in order for it to be great. If I do things for self satisfaction is that still intrinsic? If so, then I guess any school, teaching, parenting or wife successes or goals I have are intrinsic. My motivations change on a daily basis but I seem to do better and follow through more often with extrinsic motivation. For example, I will run my third half marathon in November. There is no way in the world I would get up on Sunday mornings for my long runs if there was not an extrinsic motivator. In this case it is bec

Culture and Community

I believe it is important to foster both community and culture in your classroom as well as the culture and community outside of your classroom. I think we as teachers, no matter our age, ethnicity or interests need to make an honest effort to connect to our students. This means we should know what is popular with our students ie silly bandz, t.v. shows, movies and community events. This shows our students their thoughts and interests are important and worth our time. There are ways to bring in the positive outside community and culture into your classroom and have a deeper connection. If there are community events going on (fall carnival, 5k fun run etc.) we should make an effort to attend and get to know our students outside the classroom so we can see them as more than just someone who produces work we grade. They are functional members of their community that are rich in culture and experiences, once we accept this we can allow it in our classroom and can form our own classroom cul

Better Late Than Never!

Hi All, I'm here! Hope everyone has a great semester.

Brandy Moreau for 4314

This is my blogspot for Dr. Harris for 4314